Hi, I'm Shihang

full-stack developer working on AI

What I Do


App Development

I've been spending 5 years building mobile and web stuffs in Facebook, including Facebook Camera and Fan Subscription.


I worked on couple AI stuffs in my job, e.g. realtime style transfer, segmentation camera effects. The most notable of my work is a hack called ARLink, which is later shipped as IG NameTag.

About Me

I believe in AI technology will be mutualistic with humanity. And I believe there're 2 most effective way advance AI technology - the first is to incentivize business to profit more when they use AI technology, and the second is to patronize AI research. If you share similar thought as me, let's get in touch!

My Works

IEEG Portal LTSD Seizure Analyzer

A Medical Data Visualization Project

The Log-time-spectral-distance (LTSD) is a novel intra-patient measurement of seizure similarity first applied to Electroencephalography (EEG) analysis by Mark Lippmann. It is an adaptation of the log spectral distance (LSD) which is a distance measure between two spectra.

LTSD Seizure Analyzer is a LTSD based visualization tool integrated with the IEEG portal website, which enable physicians and scientists to assess seizure similarity in a new way.

Contact me

I guess you already know how to contact me, but in case you don't - you can reach me at
shihangwww #aMusthaveCharacter gmail #anotherMusthaveCharacter com